Cookoff-Date -- 6/23/01
Fuzzy's Corner Summer Kickoff CCO
Buchanan, TX
Chili Photo's
Chili Photo's
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Winners 6/23/01 - Fuzzy's Corner Summer Kickoff (42 CHILIS) |
1 Barbara Schueler, Leander TX |
6 Sue Caffey, Rockdale TX |
2 Sharon Roy, Fredericksburg TX |
7 James Bauer, Leander TX |
3 Bill Dees, Midland TX |
8 Karen Reinke, Martindale TX |
4 (Bubba) Reinke, Martindale TX |
(Gerry) Harris, Del Rio TX |
5 Felipe Moran, Midland TX |
10 Jessie Elshick, Austin TX |
Winners 6/23/01 - Fuzzy's Corner Summer Kickoff |
1 Disfunctional Family
Marble Falls TX
Wendler, Ronelda |
2 Cracked Pot Chili, San Antonio TX
Steinle, Bob |
3 Toy Person, Marble Falls TX
Cook, Gayle A. |