Cookoff-Date -- 5/19-20/01
Giddy-Ups 2nd Annual CCO
Manchaca, TX
Chili Photo's 1
Chili Photo's 2
Award Photo's
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Winners 5/19/01 - Giddy-Ups 2nd Annual CCO |
(01) Elshick, Jessie Wallis TX |
(06) Paske, Marion "Rusty" Kingsland TX |
(02) Wendler, Ronelda Marble Falls TX |
(07) Seelig, Carolyn Austin TX |
(03) Ross, Ruby Marble Falls TX |
(08) Windrow, Bob San Antonio TX |
(04) Burruss, Larry San Marcos TX |
(09) Burruss, Janie San Marcos TX |
(05) Waguespack, Jessie Austin TX |
(10) Chase, Ralph Austin TX |
Winners 5/19/01 - Giddy-Ups 2nd Annual CCO |
(01) Tall Girl Frog Rockdale TX |
(02) No Way Duckie #2 San Antonio TX |
Winners 5/20/01 - "Friends of Texas Ladies State" CCO |
(01) Otto, Larry Austin TX |
(06) Pilchiek, Raymond Bluffton TX |
(02) Paske, Melba Fae Kingsland TX |
(07) Jones, Honey K. Canyon Lake TX |
(03) Reed, Maxine Schertz TX |
(08) Barkley, Jean H. Weimar TX |
(04) Martin, Greg Cedar Park TX |
(09) Elshick, Jessie Wallis TX |
(05) Cook, Tom Marble Falls TX |
(10) Wendler, Ronelda Marble Falls TX |