Cookoff-Date -- 2/2/02
17th Annual Mexico Int'l CCO
Nuevo Laredo Mexico
Chili Photos 1
Chili Photos 2
Award Photos
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Chili Winners 2/2/02 - Mexico Int'l CCO |
1 Patricia Irvine-King, Seguin TX |
6 Jackie Ralston, Wichita Falls TX |
2 Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls TX |
7 Shirley Stateczny, Boerne TX |
3 Bob Lanford, Austin TX |
8 John Caffey, Rockdale TX |
4 Bert (Bubba) Reinke, Martindale TX |
9 Chuck Spishock, Clear Lake Shores TX |
5 Larry Kinnison, Marble Falls TX |
10 Raymond Pilchiek, Bluffton TX |
2/2/02 - Mexico Int'l CCO |
1 Texas Chili Company, Houston TX Kevin Foley |
2 Texas Madman, Montgomery TX Earl W. "Who?" Gorhum |
3 Whiskey River Show Team Clear Lake Shores TX Chuck
Spishock |