Cookoff-Date -- 1/24/04 - 1/25/04
11th Annual Super Bowl of Chili Cookoffs
Sattler, TX
Chili Photos 1
Chili Photos 2
Award Photos
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Chili Winners 1/24/04 - Super Bowl of Chili Cookoffs |
1 Larry Kinnison, Marble Falls TX |
6 Ronald Rerich, Weimar TX |
2 Jim McKee, Canyon Lake TX |
7 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX |
3 Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls TX |
8 Jan Windrow, San Antonio TX |
4 Phyllis McKee, Canyon Lake TX |
9 Barbara C. Taylor, Johnson City TX |
5 Tex Riley, Houston TX |
10 Mike Benold, Dripping Springs TX |
Showmanship Winners
1/24/04 - Super Bowl of Chili Cookoffs |
1 Special Ranger Randy's Canyon Lake TX Randy
Evans |
2 Ace In The Hole, San Antonio TX Clyde Rogers |
3 Athletic Supporter, Boerne TX Rick Davis |
Chili Winners 1/25/04 - Friends of Texas Ladies State Championship |
1 Jessie Waguespack, Austin TX |
6 Melba Fae Paske, Kingsland TX |
2 John Goforth, Comfort TX |
7 Ronald Rerich, Weimar TX |
3 Cindy McKinzie, Canyon Lake TX |
8 Marion "Rusty" Paske, Kingsland TX |
4 Billy Bob Weatherly, Canyon Lake TX |
9 Karl F. Buechler Jr., Kerrville TX |
5 Ken Rodd, Austin TX |
10 Jenifer Danysh, Edna TX |
Showmanship Winners
1/25/04 - Friends of Texas Ladies State Championship |
1 Special Ranger Randy's Canyon Lake TX Randy Evans |
2 Ass Fault, Clear Lake Shores TX Chuck Spishock |
3 Prairie Wagon Chili, Adkins TX Janice Stewart |