Cookoff-Date -- 1/26/02 - 1/27/02
9th Annual "Super Bowl of Chili"
Sattler, TX
Chili Photos
Award Photos
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Chili Winners 1/26/02 - Super Bowl of Chili |
1 Dusty DeBerry, Leander TX |
6 Bob Windrow, San Antonio TX |
2 Doris Greenlees, Houston TX |
7 Sheila VanBuskirk, Canyon Lake TX |
3 Greg Martin, Cedar Park TX |
8 Janie Burruss, San Marcos TX |
4 Karen Reinke, Martindale TX |
9 Raymond Pilchiek, Bluffton TX |
5 Jenny Causey, Wylie TX |
10 Steve Nadeau, Boerne TX |
Showmanship Winners
1/26/02 - Super Bowl of Chili |
1 Chingale Chili, Austin TX Jessie Elshick |
2 Windy's Chew Choo Chili San Antonio TX Robert E. Schrade |
Chili Winners 1/27/02 - Friends of Ladies State CCO |
1 Sue Caffey, Rockdale TX |
6 Andy Causey, Wylie TX |
2 Julie Darley, Canyon Lake TX |
7 Steve Nadeau, Boerne TX |
3 Barry Karnei, Weesatche TX |
8 Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls TX |
4 Jenny Causey, Wylie TX |
9 Karl F. Buechler Jr., Kerrville TX |
5 Honey K. Jones, Canyon Lake TX |
10 Janie Burruss, San Marcos TX |
Showmanship Winners
1/27/02 - Friends of Ladies State CCO |
1 Doc's Backbone Chili Marble Falls TX Larry Kinnison |
2 Chingale Chili, Austin TX Jessie Elshick |
3 Hot Rodd Chili, Austin TX Ken Rodd |