Cookoff-Date -- 6/15/02 - 6/16/02
22nd Annual SOT Pod Chili Cookoff
Lago Vista, TX
Chili Photos 1
Chili Photos
Chili Photos 3
Award Photos Saturday
Award Photos
Here are a few Jim Stateczny provided from the CCO
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Chili Winners 6/15/02 - SOT Pod CCO - 64 Chilis |
1 Barbara C. Taylor, Johnson City TX |
6 Angie Blache, Houston TX |
2 Ava Horan, Tomball TX |
7 Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls TX |
3 Larry Otto, Austin TX |
8 Walter Caldwell Clear Lake Shores TX |
4 Phil Greenlees, Houston TX |
9 Wendell Carnes, Marble Falls TX |
5 Lisa R. Duggan, Whitney TX |
10 Mike Benold, Dripping Springs TX |
6/15/02 - SOT Pod CCO |
1 Dancing Cooks, Houston TX Angie Blache |
2 Spine Tingling Chili
Marble Falls TX Carrie Kinnison |
3 Tess's Brew, Houston TX Keith Karaff |
Chili Winners 6/16/02 - SOT Pod Day After CCO - 26 Chilis |
1 Douglas (Bucky) Seelig, Austin TX |
6 Marion "Rusty" Paske, Kingsland TX |
2 Tommy Blache, Houston TX |
7 Wendell Carnes, Marble Falls TX |
3 Larry Otto, Austin TX |
8 Ava Horan, Tomball TX |
4 Angie Blache, Houston TX |
9 Chuck Taylor, Cedar Park TX |
5 Russell E. Harriman, Belton TX |
10 James Gillen Jr., San Antonio TX |
Showmanship Winners
6/16/02 - SOT Pod Day After CCO |
1 Rebel Chili, Austin TX Larry Otto |
2 Hair Ball Chili, Marble Falls TX Wendell Carnes |
3 Tall Boy, Rockdale TX
John Caffey |