Cookoff-Date -- 10/29/02
Sotol POD Chili Cookoff
Terlingua, TX
Chili Photos 1
Chili Photos 2
Award Photos
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Winners 10/29/02 -
Sotol POD Chili Cookoff
1 Chuck Spishock, Clear Lake Shores TX |
6 Renee F. Moore, Gulf Shores AL |
2 Jason Harper, Garland TX |
7 Candace (Candi) Arevalo, Miami FL |
3 Lorina B. Harris, Del Rio TX |
8 Phil Greenlees, Houston TX |
4 Jimmy L. Maturo, Niceville FL |
9 Teena G. Miller, Baytown TX |
5 Mel Neff, Irving TX |
10 Dorothy Spishock |
Winners 10/29/02 - Sotol POD Chili Cookoff |
1 Bag Lady, Wichita Falls TX Jackie Ralston |
2 Toy Person, Marble Falls TX Gayle A. Cook |
3 Red Robin Roadshow, Waxahachie TX Robin Goodman |