Cookoff-Date -- 6/26/04
H.E.B.#5 Grand Opening Chili Cookoff
Waco, TX
Chili Photos
Award Photos
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Chili Winners 6/26/04 - H.E.B.
#5 Grand Opening Chili Cookoff |
1 Sue Caffey, Rockdale TX |
6 Johnye Harriman, Belton TX |
2 Barbara Schueler, Leander TX |
7 Carol Martin, Gonzales TX |
3 John Caffey, Rockdale TX |
8 Donna Conrad, Crawford TX |
4 Steve Nadeau, Boerne TX |
9 Dianne Stimson, Crawford TX |
5 Keith Kilpatrick, Fort Worth TX |
10 Linda Buschel, Irving TX |
Showmanship Winners
6/26/04 - H.E.B. #5 Grand
Opening Chili Cookoff |
1 Chili On The Run, Gonzales TX Carol Martin |
2 Come & Taste It, Gonzales TX Charlie Martin |
3 Texas Heat, Graford TX Harris Jackson |