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April 2004, Saturday
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33rd Annual Hal John & Judy Wimberly Memorial Cookoff
Apr 24, 2004-001 - Houston TX CASI. 33rd Annual Hal John & Judy Wimberly Memorial Cookoff. Held at Trader's Village, 7979 N. Eldridge Pkwy. Benefits Houston Food Bank. Friday nights cooks party.Saturday kick start breakfast 100% Jackpot Beans, CASI chili, CASI Show, Salsa, tasting cups, silent auction and raffle. Pot luck dinner Saturday night. The First Annual Ron Charlton Junior Chili Championship to be held Saturday. CHILI GRIND ONLY for Junior cookoff RV parking, no hookups. Contact Keith Karaff 281-955-2603 email Cookoff next day same site.

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