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May 2004, Saturday
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Cast-Off Chili & Bean Cookoff
May 29, 2004-005 - Marble Falls TX CASI. Cast-Off Chili & Bean Cookoff. Held at VFW Post 10376 on Hwy 1431 West passed HEB. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM, Beans $5 turn-in Noon. Make checks to Highland Lakes Pod. Cooks party and Karoke Friday night. Special drink prices Fri & Sat 3-9 PM. VFW will be selling breakfast Sat & Sun and fried fish dinner on Sat.night. Plenty RV parking, no hookups. Benefits VFW charities. Contact Tom or Gayle Cook 830-693-2106. Come celebrate Memorial weekend with us in Marble Falls. Lots of fun! Stay over for Sunday cookoff.

Southwest Open Chili Championship
May 29, 2004-001 - Wichita Falls TX CASI. Southwest Open Chili Championship. Held at Wichita Falls RV Park on 5th St. Full hookups, cable TV, swimming pool, showers $20 per nite Entry fee $25, turn-in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Benefits the Shrine. Friday night supper and Breakfast Saturday AM, supper Saturday night and breakfast Sunday AM. Info call Glyn Gaines 940-767-2273. RV spots reserved by calling park 940-723-1532. Tell them you are a chili cook. A drawing will be held for 2 motel rooms for one night or 2 RV spots for one night. Mail entries to Bob Luney 2351 Peterson Rd., Iowa Park, TX 76367. Advise which drawing you would like, motel or RV.

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