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July 2004, Saturday
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Schulenburg Festival Chili Cookoff
Jul 31, 2004-001 - Schulenburg TX CASI. Schulenburg Festival Chili Cookoff. Held in Wolters Park. Entry fee $18, turn-in 3 PM. Check in begins 4 PM Friday. Cooks swim party Saturday night. Major Nashville Recording Artist to perform Friday night. New to cookoff this year, jackpot bean contest to be held Saturday in conjunction with chili and BBQ. Check out web site for info Make checks payable to charity, Schulenburg Festival Assn. Contact Virginia Meyer, 1714 FM 1579 Schulenburg, TX 78956 or Sharon Bunjoch 825 CR 227 Schulenburg, TX 78956. Phone 979-561-8573 or 979-562-2410.

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