- "Love the Camera!"
October 2004, Saturday
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1st Points for Sight Cookoff
Austin TX CASI. 1st Points for Sight Cookoff. Held at Travis County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo Area, just south of 812-183 intersection. Benefits the Austin Lions Sight Conservation Committee. Make checks payable to ALSCC. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM CHILI GRIND ONLY. Cook's party Friday night. Breakfast Sat. AM Silent auction, donations gladly accepted. Pot Luck Saturday night. RV parking, no hookups. Beans 100% payback $5. Turn-in 1 PM. Please bring old eye glasses. Contact Sue or John Caffey 512-446-2364. Cookoff next day same location.

Highlander Yacht Pub Cookoff
Kerrville TX CASI. Highlander Yacht Pub Cookoff. Held at 3804 Riverside Drive. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM. Cooks party Friday night. Benefits the Kerr County charities. Contact Rhonda Parham 830-896-7722. Make checks payable to Highland Yacht Pub.

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